Fishing for Beginners
Fishing or angling is an old hobby that is suitable for all ages. It has been in existence for several centuries and in almost all countries across the world. The largest part of the planet earth is covered with water in the form of lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, ocean and sea.
The practice helps you to enjoy nature as you search for your dinner or bond with your family and friends. Thus the beginner guide will direct you as you embark on the fishing journey.
Estimated reading time: 14 min
Table of Contents

Brief History of Fishing
It’s believed that freshwater fish was being eaten nearly 39,000-42,000 years ago because most people that lived then were hunters and gatherers. Although these inhabitants migrated from one place to another, the cave paintings and the fish bones that were scattered everywhere show that they carried out fishing activities.
One example is the southern France caves and cave art that are more than 16,000 years old and shows marine animals and different fishing methods such as spearfishing. Most fishing methods began in Neolithic times, and one of them was the gorge hook mostly used 3000-7500 years ago by the Native Americans, particularly in the California coast. Other groups used plant toxins to shock the fish out of the water.
During the Bronze Age, the Harappans who lived in present-day Punjab, eastern Pakistan used bronze harpoons for fishing. Still, ancient Egyptians fished in the Nile as shown on the drawings, the walls of the tombs and papyrus documents. Egyptians caught Nile perch, eels and catfish using their small reed ships, weir baskets, woven nets, hook, harpoons, and lines. During the 12th dynasty, the first barbed fish hook was introduced, making the fishing process easier. On the other hand, the Greeks considered fishing as a low-status activity; thus, they didn't think its worth to be included in their art.
Commercial fishing was later introduced that facilitated a larger catch. Gillnets were used even in ancient times as well as in North America, Middle East, Alaska, Canada and Pacific Northwest. Although earlier fishers relied on fishing nets, development in communication devices, improvements in navigation, and mobility of fishing vessels helped them to conquer the water bodies such as oceans.
Fishing activities include the harvesting of trepanging or sea cucumbers which is used as aphrodisiacs and flavour-enhancers. Further, fishing has gone beyond searching for food, and it's now viewed as a recreational activity since the 15th century. Fishing became popular in the 19th century when the first motorboat was introduced while marine biologist and early conservationist Dr Charles. F. Holder pioneered saltwater big-game fishing. Today, fishing is viewed both as an economic and sports activities. Thus there are millions of fishermen and fish farmers across the globe.

Health Benefits of Angling
Fishing activities have increased in recent years due to various reasons besides catching an evening meal.
1. A Great Stress Reliever
The world has several water activities that can help you reset your mind at the end of the week. However, such activities require adequate training to deliver maximum benefits and satisfaction. For instance, you have to learn how to scuba dive, kayaking, boat riding or snorkelling. However, angling doesn't require a lot of training. Being outdoor with fellow anglers is a great stress reliever.
Alternatively, you go fishing alone so that you can use this time to meditate and relax. Moving from one spot to another as you search for fish gives you physical exercise, and the excitement of catching one or several fish lowers your stress. Further, the sun, the breeze and the waves improve your mood as well. Therefore angling is an excellent therapeutic activity for post-traumatic stress disorder, behavioral issues and other mental illness.
2. Increases Vitamin D Intake
The outdoor activity improves your critical vitamin D reserves which keep your teeth and bones healthy. The vitamin regulates the amount of phosphate and calcium in your body.
3. Promotes Family Bonding
Fishing with a group of friends or family promotes bonding because it allows you to socialize. Further, fishing is an excellent skill that the older generation can pass to the younger one. For instance, grandfathers can instruct the younger kids how to fish in the nearby pond, river or lake. This promotes well-being and feelings of security.
4. It Bestows Patience
The world emphasizes on instant gratification and over-stimulation while fishing tests your patience. It can take several trips and days before you get a single fish. Therefore, many are the day you will go home without a catch while your peers get one or more. However, persistence will make you a patient person and one who can accept defeat without quitting.
5. It Teaches Self-Reliance
The world is promoting a service-oriented economy where the population wait on us to serve them every day. However, fishing takes you to the wilderness, trains you different skills of catching a fish, and in the end, you learn how to drive a boat, and fish from open water. Thus, it can begin as a hobby or sport, but it ends up as a career.

The Best Catch for the Anglers
What is termed as the best fish is actually subjective because, to some anglers, it's the rarest fish type is while others prioritize the one that gave them the most fight. Casting your net in the seas might bring your way the elusive Dorado or majestic sailfish.
It’s unlikely to catch a swordfish with a rod and reel in a freshwater lake and river; however, it's exciting to find a largemouth bass or a rainbow trout. Each fisher has had a bad experience where a catch got away or got a big one that consumed several hours to land. Another experience is catching a northern pike which some angler considers a big fighter.
The following are some of the fish you’re likely to catch in a freshwater body.
Catfish: These are mostly found in the muddiest and darkest waters. Catfish have different species which thrives in rivers and lakes. This type of fish slinks around undercover, thus to reach it, you have to fish deep. The best way of reaching catfish is casting a sinker and a hook with a huge piece of meat to the bottom of the pond or lake.
Trout: Different types of trout are commonly found in lakes and streams. It’s easy to catch a tout because it hides behind a rock waiting for a prey to float or swim by. Thus, you can easily catch it using baits such as a flies, a shiny spinner or spinning rod and reel.
Bass: Both smallmouth and largemouth bass are a hard bugger to catch for that reason they are considered as the sport fish kings. Since they're relatively easy and quite common, chances of pulling in a big one in the future are quite high. However, be sure that it will put up an epic fight.
Bluegills: they are also referred to as sunfish. These small-sized fish are plenty and commonly found in several ponds and lakes. They are mostly found in schools and can be caught using spinners, jigs, crickets or worms. Since they're ever hungry, you're likely to catch bluegill very soon when you begin angling.
Musky: These are hard to catch huge fish. One has to put up with a respectable fight for a musky can be around 50", and you will sweat a lot reeling in the boat.
Northern Pike: It's a big fish that will engage you in a good fight. The fish takes the longest to bring in, and it offers an excellent upper body workout as you reel it in. Although it's a trophy or fierce fighter, it's also a satisfying fish to catch anyway.
Salmon: King salmon are muscular fish that are reasonably easy to catch but tough to pull in. Fishing goes beyond catching a trophy fish and creates a great sense of accomplishment when you report a catch irrespective of the type or species.

Essential Fishing Gears for Beginners
Fishermen across the world have one thing in common: they all love discussing fishing. Thus find a fisherman in your locality and learn about different species, the most effective lures and baits to use, in addition to the most productive locations in your area.
The valuable information will help you enjoy fishing. However, the anglers may be unwilling to give you the specific locations they spent countless hours discovering. Still what they will tell you will be a good starting point.
The following are some of the essential gears they use to numb the fish out of the water.
1. Rod and Reel
Like other hobbies selecting the right angling gear can be a daunting task. For instance, every fishing style has rods and reels designed specifically for that. However, as a beginner, it's essential to keep it simple. All that you need is a rod and reel combo applicable in the lure and bait fishing.
Therefore, a medium action rod and an 8lb-20lb line is an excellent combination to start with. The set will help you to catch a variety of species found in the rivers and lakes. Further, you can experiment with a spinning or open-face reels before graduating to baitcasting reels.
2. Fishing Line
Lines are available in different diameters and materials. The following are the characteristics of the best fishing lines.
Larger diameter lines are stronger than the smaller ones of the same material.
The braided lines are thin and very stronger.
Monofilament lines can stretch and are buoyant.
Fluorocarbon lines are preferable because they are abrasion resistant and nearly invisible underwater.
Experienced anglers have reasons for using a specific type of fishing line but as a beginner stick with monofilament lines and pick other choices as you gain experience.
Different knots are used when tying the monofilament line to a hook. Some of the important knots that you should practice are Palomar, Clinch and Uni knot. Mastering the art of tying them will greatly help you when engaging in freshwater fishing.
3. Live Bait
Almost all fishermen begin their fishing adventure with live bait. The most effective live bait across the world is the nightcrawler because virtually all freshwater fish eats it. Live shiners are a good option for predatory fish such as bass.
4. Lures
Lure fishing is an alternative to bait fishing. There are several lure colors, styles and manufacturers. Thus, different lures have varied success rate for beginners. The following are some of the standard lures you will find in the market.
Spinnerbaits: These baits have been in the market for decades because they are effective. They are mostly used when the water visibility if lower. These baits have a spinning blade that creates underwater vibrations, thus helping the fish to find the bait. Therefore the first time anglers should start with the Spinnerbaits because they have a higher success rate.
Soft Plastics: Yamamoto Senko is a popular artificial bait for bass fishing. Swim shad is another common soft plastic bait that you can tie on the hook and cast to the bottom and retrieve it quickly when searching where the fish are staging.
Top Water Lures: Sometimes, you will notice fish feeding on the water surface. Topwater baits are the best option for catching them, and a common lure is the whopper plopper. You should cast it out and allow water to calm down before you begin reeling. Many times you have to vary the retrieval speed or add pauses and twitches, but there are minimal chances of missing the target with a topwater lure.
5. Tackle
Then following are the three different types of tackles that you need when you begin fishing.
Hooks: Avoid snelled hooks as a beginner because they have a prettied leader that an angler uses to attach to a swivel snap.
Weights: They serve two purposes; to help keep your bait underwater and offer more casting distance. A beginner should use basic split shot weights because they are easy to install and less costly.
Floats: It's also called strike indicators or bobbers. They are used to keep the bait floating and indicate when the fish is eating the bait.
6. Castable Fish Finder
It’s not guaranteed that your live bait and lures will bring you a fish your way. At times there may be no fish around, and you don't have the ability to see underwater to ascertain their availability. For that reason, technology came up with a sonar device which a wireless, castable fish finders to help fishermen locate where fish are located.
7. Tackle Bag or Box
You need a decent bag to carry and keep your gear well organized. Opt for a single shoulder bag that can hold the above items and that you’re comfortable to carry around as you chase the fish in different spots.
8. Fishing License
You need to get a fishing license before you hit the water. Every state and country requires you to obtain a fishing license; therefore acquire this approval and understand the regulations pertinent in your area. For instance, the license should indicate the permitted fishing methods, the size and bag limits and the special rules governing certain species.
Other essential tools that you may need when fishing is a camera, fishing ruler to measure your catch, sunscreen to prevent sunburns as you move from one spot to another, scissors or clippers are used to cut the line, and needle-nose pliers to remove hooks.

Suitable Clothes for Fishing
What you wear when embarking on fishing is vital because it affects your enjoyment and exposes you to specific risks such as sunburns, insect bites, and cold and so on.
Therefore you should ensure you're warm and dry by layering. You should have three essentials piece of clothing, namely the base layer, the mid-layer and the outer layer.
The Base Or Inner Layer consists of that an old gym t-shirt, or a base layer specially designed for fishing because it has breathable fabrics and is tight-fitting to offer optimum insulation. Some base layers have odour eating and antibacterial properties.
The Mid Layer is the insulating level during cold weather but can also serve as the outer layer, particularly in warmer days. The best option for the mid-layer is the fleece because it’s breathable, lightweight and incredibly warm. Opt for one with a hood, drawcord bottoms and finger holes.
The Outer Layer is made of waterproof clothing. You should invest in good quality waterproofs to allow water to run straight off or stay at the surface.
A Hat will protect you from insect bites as you navigate the river or pond. Also, open water can be extremely cold, especially during the cooler months and having a bare head can accelerate heat loss.
You can pick thermal hats, fleece beanies or traditionally knitted hats for they are suitable for a fishing adventure. Further, opt for densely woven fabric for adequate UV protection.
Polarized Sunglasses are an essential gear whether you’re going for angling during summer or winter months. The polarized option helps to reduce glare, filter harmful UV rays and give you better visuals when in the water.
Fishing Boots should be lightweight, waterproof and breathable to keep you dry and comfortable all day long. With excellent grip, these boots can help you on slippery riverbanks or swim.
Fly fishing vest is an essential gear when engaging in fly fishing because it keeps the vital equipment close to hand. Still, you can buy the vest even when engaging in other styles of fishing. Ensure that the vest has several pockets to hold your smaller gears. An inflatable vest doubles as life vest which is a must-have gear.

Types of Fishing Methods
Freshwater Fishing
It involves fishing in the pond, stream and river and lake while standing on land, shore, bridge or by a boat. This fishing destination is the best for beginners because it requires less sophisticated equipment and can be done from the land.
Nearly half of the fish variety is obtained from the freshwater destinations. These are catfish, trout, bass, salmon, crappie, and walleye.
Saltwater Fishing
Beginners can fish in the sea or ocean using the boat or from the shore. The destination requires different fishing equipment because this destination has bigger and aggressive fish. Consult other anglers in your area before embarking on this type of fishing. Alternatively, you fish from the beach and enjoy catching countless species of fish.
Ice Fishing
It’s a type of fishing done in cold weather. It requires specialised equipment such as ice fishing line, fishfinder, ice fishing boots and ice auger to drill holes on the ice. Ensure that the ice is thick to allow you to walk on it wearing the ice fishing boots.
Shore Fishing
It’s basically fishing from freshwater or saltwater shore. The type of fish variety you can catch varies from one area to the other; thus you can consult your local fishermen to find out what is available, the best spot and the best type of bait to carry.
Fly Fishing
It’s done from both the freshwater and saltwater destinations using artificial flies, reel and a fly rod. You need some special equipment and learn a few techniques.

Types of Fishing Techniques
There are different techniques for getting fish out of water. Some people may get it with hands, use a spear, hook, net or other trapping methods. The use of explosives to catch fish is not recommended and is banned by almost all countries.
The following are types of fishing techniques.
Angling: It's a fishing technique where a hook with bait, rod, line and a sinker used. Thus the bait lures the fish and the sinker is used to keep the hook inside the water and prevent it from floating.
Bottom Fishing: It’s carried out from the boats or land where angling is done using heavyweight to catch fish at the bottom of the river or lake.
Cormorant Fishing: This is a fishing practice that has been in use since the 14th century in China and Japan. Trained cormorants with rings or thread tied on their neck are used to prevent them from swallowing big fish when they caught them but instead bring them to the fisherman while they swallow the smaller ones. The ancient method is used early in the morning and at dawn when these birds are hungry.
Electrofishing: It's a technique mostly carried out by fisheries scientists and in freshwater. Electricity is applied to stun the fish to help these researchers check their population and return the unharmed fish to the water.
Float Tube Fishing: This is where fishing is done form a very small inflatable boat using the fly fishing technique. The method is preferred because fish are not scared away because there is minimal splashing.
Fly Fishing: The technique uses artificial flies made in different shapes and attached to fly rods and lines. These flies lure fish which gets caught when it swallows them.
Ice Fishing: It's done during winter or the time of the year when the water is frozen. Therefore, the fisherman creates a hole in the ice and using the angling technique, and he lures fish to the bait attached to the rod and string.
Kite Fishing: It's mostly used in the Pacific Islands and New Guinea. The technique was inverted in China to help fishermen reach places that are difficult to reach using kites attached to fishhook and lines.
Netting: Fishnets are used to harvest fish from the water body. Various types of nets are used for different fish types and use. For instance, throw net or cast net is circular in shape and has weights on its edges. Trawl net is large and dragged by ship while Gillnet is set in a vertical position to traps fish that tries to go past it. It’s kept in the vertical position by putting floats and weights together.
Noodling: It's getting fish out if the water using your hands. Fishermen stick their hand into the catfish holes and pull them out from their hideout. This mostly practised in the south part of the US.
Purse Seines: A large wall of netting is created to encircle a herd of fish, and the bottom of the net is pulled to form a drawstring purse. Thus the technique traps a variety of species and can also accidentally catch sharks, juvenile fish as well as other vulnerable marine life raising serious conservation concerns.
Spearfishing: It’s a traditional method of fishing using an ordinary spear, its alternatives like tridents, harpoons, arrows, spearguns and Hawaiian slings.
Trapping: it's a technique of trapping fish using basket weir traps made from branches. In this style of fishing, fish are lured into the basket traps, but they can't exit once inside. An example is the fishing weir which has large traps built from logs and fences and strategically placed in the water to fore fish to get into the interior of the trap where they can't get out. The lobster traps is another example that consists of small basket traps with several compartments.
Trolling Lines: In this method, trolling lines are with baited hooks are towed while outriggers keep them away from the boat's wake. These lines are used to catch different species like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and rockfish. The lines are pulled back to the boat by hands or using small winches.

Freshwater Vs. Saltwater Fishing
The debate about freshwater and saltwater has been going on for many years now. However, both of these fishing destinations are different in various ways and understanding these variations will help you as you embark on angling.
1. Freshwater Fishing
Many new anglers begin their journey here because you can fish from a bridge over a river or a stream, ponds, or in a boat out in a lake. The scenery around the freshwater is relaxing even when an angler doesn’t take home a catch.
The freshwater body has smaller fish that are easier to catch than those found in saltwater. Also, the destination doesn't have a stronger current, and the salinity level is below 0.05%.
2. Saltwater Fishing
This kind of fishing is only possible if you're near a beach and is quite challenging compared to freshwater fishing. Saltwater fishing has fish that are aggressive, and it’s done from a fishing boat or on a pier. The experience of fishing in saltwater is exciting, and you will experience adrenaline rush because you will struggle with these fish compared to freshwater fishing where they are more laid back.
Skill Level Requirement
The perfect start for beginners is freshwater because it offers a calm atmosphere. Aiming at smaller fish helps you to improve your skills with time. Further, you don’t need expensive tackle as required when fishing in a saltwater destination. Fishing in the ocean which is salty needs gears that are protected from salt, and since the fish are aggressive, you need the experience to counteract a fight from the fish.
The Size of the Fish
Fishermen in freshwater use lighter rods and lines to catch smaller fish found in rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Therefore, the process of getting a catch is extremely enthralling. On the other hand, a greater portion of the planet is occupied by oceans and the area has many, large fish compared to those available in the freshwater.
Taste of the Fish
Fish found in the ocean or salt have an incredible flavor compared to the once in the lakes and rivers. That means you can catch catfish, bass, striper and trout that tastes different from the king salmon, redfish, bluefish, and tuna you get from the sea. Many attributes the difference to lack of pesticides common in the freshwater and the natural salt in the oceans that cause the fish to be tasty.
Fishing Spots
The quality of a fishing spot is determined by the variety of fish you find in that destination. It’s also judged by the number of people fishing at any given period. Saltwater fishing has numerous spots with unique fish and can never be crowded since the ocean is very big. Freshwater fishing has limited spots, and you can determine the kind of fish you want to catch.
Fishing Equipment
Reel and rood are the tools for freshwater fishing, particularly a firm one that can't snap if you find a struggling fish on your line. Artificial and live baits are the next item to consider, and the most popular ones are crickets, minnows and worms.
You need strong equipment that can withstand harsh weather, strong ocean currents and a short rod that can give you more power if you land on a big fish as well as a long rod for longer distances. The tackle should have spinning, trolling jogging reels, and bait casting.
Besides carrying a standard fishing equipment, an angler exploring the saltwater destination should carry a gaff and nets that can catch any fish near the shore and boat. A beginner that wants to venture into this type of fishing should choose the best equipment due to the powerful ocean currents, salty water and you need to shield yourself from the spray of the ocean.
The weight of fish found in the freshwater can be 16 pounds and 3 feet long while the blue marlin in the saltwater in the saltwater could be 1,900 pounds and 14 feet long, while catch catfish, bass and trout in freshwater, you're likely to find octopus or even shark in the sea and ocean. However, both saltwater and freshwater fishing will give you a good time, and you may end up liking both equally.

Fishing Tips for Beginners
Going for an afternoon fishing with family or friend can be exciting. However, many beginners hold back due to lack of specialized knowledge and experience on how to angle.
This guide is here to eliminate this roadblock by sharing expert’s tips for novice fishers.
Learn to Accurately Cast
Poor casting can cause you to miss an excellent opportunity and lures. Therefore, it's essential to learn how to cast accurately, use plastic baits such as craws, Senkos, and worms. More so, it's vital to learn to differentiate between a snag and a bite to avoid removing the bait from the strike zone.
One of establishing if it's a bite is by holding the rod steadily and apply a little tension to check whether there are a pulsation and jerk.
Be Confident
To succeed in angling, you need more than 100% confidence. With confidence, you can catch 5 pounds, and above every time you cast your rod.
Start With Less Costly Lures
Avoid using rigs and lures that you don’t want to lose during angling. Use cheap lures and place them in the right areas to maximize success rather than use expensive lures that you’re afraid of losing and that you place in safe zones with minimal success rates.
Understand Your Lures
You will experience some challenges with new lures, but you need to develop confidence in it for you to succeed. The best way to learn your lure is to go fishing with that lure only and force yourself to understand and use it correctly. Thus being without any other option will motivate you to learn how to use it to catch a fish.
Be Always Prepared
Be prepared to handle anything when you go angling. For instance, you don't know the kind of fishing style you are going to use, the type of lure that will be used, how the weather will turn out and its effect to the fish. However, you can handle anything, and everything when you're adequately prepared and the success rate of getting a catch is higher.
Differentiate Saltwater and Freshwater
The differences between the two kinds of fishing are pretty obvious; however, you need to go beyond understanding that saltwater fishing refers to the ocean while the freshwater fishing is all about fishing in a lake or river. You need to understand that saltwater fish is different from the ones from the freshwater with 0.05% salinity. However, there are types of fish that are born in the lakes and rivers, moves to the seas for some years and back to the freshwater body to spawn. This is a common feature with salmon.
Another crucial factor to remember is that freshwater bodies have creel limits or the size and amount of fish that you can catch per day. Thus if you have the two options, then it will be beneficial to learn angling in a lake and in an ocean to maximize your rewards.
Practice Casting
A beginner should practice casting prior to hitting the water. This will help you catch quality fish and enjoy the fishing.
Use Appropriate Baits and Lures
Your baits and lures should mimic what the fish feeds on. They should also be the same size as the forage in that water body you’re angling. For instance, you should use insects such as crickets for bream fish. Wrong bait simply means unfruitful day and live ones are always the best.
Comply with the Local Fishing Laws
Each country and state has different laws, rules, and regulations, thus consult your local authority for more information. Use length to estimate the weight of your catch and safely release the ones below the approved size back to the water.

Fishing Books for Absolute Beginners
There are plenty of fishing books for beginners whose authors have reminisced their fishing passion and described the art of fishing to help newbie angler succeed in catching popular fish species, big salmon and trout. These books have more to it than one would expect.
The following books are written by long-time anglers that won't give you the pressure to catch the big fish but share their sheer enjoyment of being near water and how to begin fishing.
Basic Fishing: A Beginner’s Guide by Wade Boume
It's a book that describes all aspects of fishing. In this book, the author describes various challenges of fishing in different environments. Bourne teaches new anglers how to hook a fish and the feeling of successfully getting a big catch.
Coarse Fishing: The Book for Beginners by Bertie Cox and Ryan Shellard
Cox and Shellard approach the topic veteran's perspective and presents newbie angler with the magical world of fishing. The two authors recall the joy of getting their first catch, the pricey fishing gear and how fishing has evolved over the years. Thus the book is a good stepping stone to many thrilling fishing plateaus that existing in the angling zone.
Fishing Basics: The Complete Illustrated Guide by Gene Kugach
The author discusses fishing in the ocean or from a stream, particularly if you're planning to fish regularly. The book offers the first steps you need when you're starting out. Thus don't visit the pond, ocean or lake without reading this book for the knowledge presented here will help you to be a successful angler.
The Total Fishing Guide for a Novice: Saltwater to Freshwater by Mathew Orton
Orton focuses on beginner anglers and offers excellent tips on how to become a good fisherman. He provides tactics of catching that big one, specific techniques such as types of lures and rigs to use when targeting particular fish and locations.
The Pocket Fishing Basics Guide: Freshwater Basics: Hook, Line and Sinker by Wade Bourne
The Wade Bourne’s book is a perfect gift to every angling beginner for the author has incorporated humor in his details about fishing for both fun and sport.The book contains several tips that the author gathered when fishing, and with them, you can catch fish every time you step in the water. Therefore, at the end of this easy and quick to read the guide, you will be able to fish and enjoy the experience.

Safety Precautions & Gear for Fishing
Safety comes first when fishing. The following are some of the basic safety tips to consider when you’re standing on a rock to cast a lure, fishing from a boat or on a bridge over a river, lake or ocean.
1. Wear a life jacket. It's a life jacket keeps you safe when you experience a boat mishap, tumble overboard, end up in the water as you struggle with your catch. Thus a life jacket is a valuable fishing gear investment. The jacket should fit properly and comfortable enough to motivate you to wear it every time you go out fishing.
2. Tuck a whistle in the pocket or opt for a life jacket with one. Select a life jacket with reflective features. The two elements will help you summon help and aid rescuers too.
3. Wear safety glasses when in the water to protect your eyes from fish-thrown hooks or errant casts.
4. Organize your lures and hooks in tackle boxes to avoid hooking yourself, or a colleague instead of a fish. Further, it leaves the tackle on the ground it can injure someone when they trip and fall on it.
5. Learn different methods of removing hooks just in case you accidentally hook yourself and exercise caution when baiting or unhooking.
6. Handle your catch with care because you can get injured by the fish teeth or fins.
7. A beginner shouldn’t go fishing alone. Fishing as a group will keep you away from dangers. However, most experienced anglers go out alone after providing a note listing where they are going, when they should be expected, and so on.
8. Ensure that you have a fishing licence. Fishing with approval is illegal and based on the country or state, it can attract a hefty fine, a jail term or both.
9. Always carry safety items like drinking water, electronic SOS devices, flashlights, whistle, map, radio and cellphone.
10. Pack appropriate clothing for either hotter or colder weather. Have sun-blocking clothing, waterproof sunscreen, a broad-brimmed hat and nonslip shoes.
11. Clean and dry your fishing gear after use and don’t carry the baits from one lake to the other.
12. Leave the fishing spot clean and the best it can be. This shows that you respect fellow anglers and those who maintain the destination.
13. Don’t go fishing when drunk.

Best Fishing Spots in the World
Prince Edward Island, Canada: The heaviest Bluefin tuna was caught here in 1979, and several smaller ones have been caught over the years. Fishing is highly regulated here, and it's a catch and release fishery. You can visit this destination in August through mid-October to put your angling skills at work.
Malindi, Kenya: The destination offers angler royal slam, billfish and fantasy slam. Anglers can report catching six species in a single day namely; black marlin, blue marlin, striped marlin, shortbill spearfish and swordfish. You can end the day in any of the hotels in Watamu and Malindi area.
Lizard Island, Australia: It's one of the best fishing destinations, particularly between Septembers to Decembers. Some of the common species here are black Marlin. Besides fishing, the island located on the Great Barrier Reef offers luxurious resorts and beautiful view. Thus a first-timer or a professional fisherman can a memorable experience here.
East Cape-Baja, Mexico: The destination is the best big gaming fishing spot in the world. It offers you Black Marlin, Blue Marlin, Striped Marlin, Dorabo, Wahoo, Sailfish and Roosters. Although the spot is active throughout the year, it’s most popular during the peak season which runs between May to November.
Kona, Hawaii: The destination has amazing fishing spot ideal for deep-sea fishing. You will find five huge varieties like Marlin, Tuna, Wahoo and among others.
Umba River, Russia: It’s the best spot for catching salmon fish and the river is open for fishing tourism. The location is more beautiful as it’s surrounded by mountains.
Parting Shot
The guide has provided you with what you need to start the journey toward catching a big salmon, tuna, trout or bluefish. It has told you how to fish in the freshwater or saltwater as well as all the necessary gears.
Use the above tricks and tips to give fishing a try, and you will soon become an experienced angler. Make sure to enjoy nature as you catch your dinner or socialize with your friends and family.