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Fishkeeping as a Hobby


It is very soothing to relax before an aquarium full of fish swimming happily. The fish market has grown so wide that you could easily customize your requirements regarding the size and shape of aquarium, decorations and the kinds of fish you're looking for.

It is said that when you keep pets you have some responsibility towards them. It is also important to select your fish very carefully. Various kinds of fish have different requirements for cleaning and food in addition to temperatures of water. So when you're selecting fish as a beginner, you should go for a few hardy fish that are easy to maintain and can be comfortable even in a smaller tank.

White Cloud Minnows can be excellent for the beginners. They can stay comfortably in a group of three or more, and they can withstand a wide range of temperature - 55 F. They can eat all kinds of food including flakes and life food like blood-worms. They are quite clean in their living habits, so you don't have to clean the aquarium water regularly for them. They are quite energetic fish and swim around the tank all the time. They are always searching and exploring the whole aquarium, and they can get along with other species easily.

Siamese fighting fish (bettas) can also be a good choice for you. They are hardy and at the same time beautiful due to their bright colors and long fins. They are comfortable in little aquariums and can also be placed in the rooms for kids. The only precaution you should take for betta fish is - you should avoid keeping two males together,they'll fight with each other to death. It's also wise to maintain the temperature of the water slightly higher to keep their health even in cold conditions.

Corydoras catfish is a wonderful start for any bass. They are social and friendly within their community. They are extremely small in size and grow only up to inches. You can accommodate them in little tanks. You should provide a heater in the aquarium to keep high temperatures all the time. Their food requirements are extremely simple since they are bottom feeders and can survive on the leftover food. They don't fight with other species for food, and they keep aquarium clean most of the time.You require. slightly larger aquarium since they need a huge swimming area.

There are various species of fish as soon as you visit a pet fish shop. First, you should consider facilities available at your homes like the region and the budget. Then you can make a little research on the Internet for the kinds of fish suitable with your requirements. Much will depend on the efforts and time which you're prepared to put in your hobby.


The Best free Resources for Getting Started With fishkeeping

Fishkeeping hobby has come a long way. With not many choices of fish and equipment needed, maintaining the hobby was perhaps the easiest by an Aquarist hundred years ago. Even though today there are many companies that claim their fishkeeping products need absolutely no water cleaning, the truth is far from this. No service can ever do that and an Aquarist will always remain in the heart of fishkeeping.

These days there is a wide variety of saltwater and freshwater fishes that can be successfully maintained for an extended time period. However, at times you may feel that the hobby is too complicated with multiple filtration methods, equipment, chemical-based additives, as well as water quality adjustment processes, and more required to ensure the success of the hobby. Here are some good ways in which you can keep such aspects at bay with access to these free resources and start your truly rewarding fishkeeping hobby.

Don't kill your fish by kindness! 

That’s true and many fishkeeping hobbyists tend to do that. However, it was already imprinted  way back in 1921 based on fishkeeping rules. It clearly mentions that one gallon of water is ideal for one inch fish. Sadly that seldom happens. Also, do not feed your fish if it ‘appears’ to be hungry. Fishes by their nature tend to keep looking for food in water; however, this constant search should not be understood as looking to be fed all the time. Any leftover food is excess should be removed at once to improve water condition.

Be patient with your fishkeeping hobby and stock your fish slowly. Find a good retailer that is crucial to the success of your hobby. You can also obtain trustworthy advice  to ensure your tank runs smoothly.

Using advanced technology for home aquaria 
Although the idea of one fish in one gallon of water may seem to be quite conservative today and you will be tempted to place more fishes due to availability of aeration devices and filters , the rule of the thumb is good to practice for the beginner hobbyist. Again, understand that there may be some myths lingering at present that existed even before. For instance, the fact that rising water bubbles is actually a sign of more oxygen penetration from air to water is in contrary to the earlier concept of being diffused forcefully.

Today, there are more efficient electrical devices and filters available. Know about how they function in detail here. Their primary work is to trap the material, but it must be cleaned by a hobbyist. The aquaria and fishkeeping hobby thus retains a link in most situation. Air pumps or even filters may be needed, but as a beginner, you must not opt for these artificial ways. Only specialist hobbyists use an abundance of plants that is central to any aquarium as it facilitates fish respiration. It is found that not many fishkeeping hobbyists have plants in the environment, thus it does not set up as effective filtration.

Dont's for the beginner in fishkeeping 

As already stated, never overfeed the fishes and also remember the thumb rule to avoid overcrowded aquaria. Don’t start your fishkeeping hobby with expensive fishes. It is advisable not to suddenly change the temperature of the water while keeping your practices with the hobby in moderation. Have good light to enter your aquarium, otherwise, your water plants will not quite prosper. Also, remove unconsumed food using a dip-tube.

Aquaria have become a central piece in homes with more varieties of fishes available. There are many books that have been written about this hobby where you can get ample inspiration and tips  to base your aquarium set up on research findings of wastewater treatment and aquaculture. The latest equipment reduces a lot of time for the hobbyist making it easy to clean and service, thus removing the labor. As a beginner, it also helps to know about the names of the various, understanding about their survival conditions, lifespan, the environment in which they thrive, reproductive cycles, and more. 


Related hobbies: FishingWhale watching 




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