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Giraffe at the Zoo

Visiting zoo as a Hobby

A hobby is some activity that you like to do in your spare time. It is something you do to keep yourself busy, relaxed and happy. Studies have shown people who indulge in their hobbies tend to be more productive, active and agile in their work and day to day activities.


A hobby is a great way to spend your ‘me time’. It makes you happy and gives you a feeling of satisfaction and achievement.


Sometimes your hobby becomes your passion and you get so immersed in it that you even give up your job for it. You even start earning through your hobby.


There are hundreds of examples where people started something as a pastime and it grew into their profession. There are tens of thousands of hobbies.


It all depends on personal preferences. In this article we will look at visiting zoo as a hobby.


It is not really a conventional hobby but it is a very good pastime and it has various advantages. We will explore this and much more below.


History of zoos

Men have been keeping animals for thousands of years. They do this to show power, wealth and sometimes for religious reasons as well.


The first ever zoo was probably set up in ancient Egypt in around 1500 BC. A Chinese Emperor Wen Wang had also established a zoo in ancient China. It was said to be spread over an area of 1,500 acres.

Zoos have become an important part of every modern cityscape. With the depletion of natural habitat of so many animals’ zoos have become a sanctuary for many animal species.


Many zoos have now become more than just a place that houses animals. They do research, assist and launch animal breeding programs, provide shelter to endangered species, sell animals, rescue animals and a whole of other stuff.


Types of zoos

Zoos have evolved over time. There are many new types of zoos like for example Safari zoos, where animals are kept in vast open spaces and visitors can see them sitting in their vehicles. There are also roadside zoos in rural areas which allow you to get very close to the animals.

Great zoos of the world

Every big city has a zoo. But there are some zoos which are renowned for their fauna around the world. Some of the famous zoos of the world are located in cities like New York, London, Beijing, Singapore and Sydney. They all have an impressive variety of animals that are well kept and taken care of.


Visiting zoos

We all have fond memories of going to the local zoo in our childhood. For every kid zoo is a fascinating place to be. All children love animals and zoos give them the opportunity to see their favorite animals up, close and personal. Visiting zoo is a great hobby, here are some the reasons why;

Acquaint yourself with wildlife

A visit to a zoo is a very good way to get acquainted with a lot of animals. There are animals from far off places which you might never be able to visit in your lifetime. See exotic birds from South America, snakes from Australia, predators from Africa all housed in your local zoo. Get to know them, educate yourself, how they live, what they eat. It could be a great learning experience.

Sweet nostalgia

Visiting zoo can bring back childhood memories. You would emotional when you visit the same places with your kids where you used to go with your dad.


Nearly all of us have memories associated with zoos. We all feel connected to it at some level. Its not a bad idea to revisit your childhood and pay a visit to the zoo every now and then.

Wholesome family time

A zoo is an ideal place to visit with your family. You can do a lot of fun activities there. It’s a complete family entertainment. You can bond with each other. It gives the opportunity to be together and enjoy quality time in each other’s company.

Promotes awareness

Zoos around the world hold special days and events to commemorate certain occasions. Such events are a great learning experience for everyone. You can learn about endangered species, environment issues, animal trafficking and a whole lot of other issues.

Healthy activity

A visit to a zoo is a healthy activity in the sense that you get to walk a great deal. Usually zoos are spread over vast areas and you have to cover it all on foot.


There are specialized rides which let you explore zoos on wheels but we recommend you walk your way. Walking is a great exercise and we need not emphasize its importance.

Relieve your stress

Spending time in nature can be a real stress buster. By visiting a zoo, you get to be close to the animals. Usually zoos have thick vegetation to give animals a forest like home.


The sound of animals, the chirping of birds and the trees will all have a calming effect on your nerves. You will so much after experiencing all this.

Adopt animals

Many zoos offer animal adoption programs. You take care of the animals by paying an amount. This amount is spent on the feed of the animals. It could be a great way to ‘pet’ a wild animal.


You can get time with your adopted animal, feed him, pat him and be his ‘master’ for an agreed period of time.

Zoo for adults

Zoo can be fun for adults too. You can take your date to the zoo and have a very good time there. Some zoos offer adults-only events which can be entertaining and informative.


You can check your local zoo and ask for any such events and get started.

Zoo is a fun place to be. You will be educated and entertained at the same time. Zoos give you the opportunity to re-connect with your inner child. Zoos mostly take good care of their animals.


It is a good idea to visit a zoo. Doing this on a regular basis and as a hobby can reap you many benefits.



Related hobbies: Whale watching, Dog sport, Fishkeeping, Herping


2000+ Hobbies from A to Z

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